EVENT Environmental Protection - Trilateral Teacher’s Exchange Program on Public Awareness on August 8-10, 2017.05.23

Tasked by the Ministry of Environment (ROK), Ministry of the Environment (Japan), and Ministry of Environmental Protection (China), The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) will hold the first Trilateral Teacher’s Exchange Program on Public Awareness on August 8-10, 2017 in the ROK.

As part of TCS’ Environment project portfolio, this program aims to support one of the priority areas in the Trilateral Joint Action Plans on Environmental Protection 2015-2019, “Environmental Education, Public Awareness and Corporate Social Responsibility”, and contribute to the Trilateral Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) framework overall. The TCS hopes to utilize this program to promote environmental education to the general public through three pillars: school teaching, news articles, and public awareness booklet.

The theme of the 2017 program is Smart Eco-friendly Technologies towards an Environmentally Sustainable Society. Teacher participants from China, Japan and ROK will have the opportunity to not only visit smart energy town and facility sites to learn the best practices and gain hands-on skills for their future teaching, but also exchange ideas with government officials, journalists, and subject matter expertise on environmental education to the general public. The Republic of Korea, host country of TEMM19 in 2017, also one of the countries in the world who are keen and fast in developing eco-friendly technologies and eco-town system, is considered the ideal destination for the launch of this program.

The TCS will continuously collaborate with the three ministries to achieve fruitful results and report the program outcomes at the TEMM19 in August 2017.