TC Activities The Culture City of East Asia (CCEA) 2022 Gyeongju Closing Ceremony
On November 18, the Culture City of East Asia (CCEA) 2022 Gyeongju Closing Ceremony was held at Gyeongju Arts Center. The ceremony was hosted by Gyeongju City and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the ROK. Over 900 participants including Consulate-General of China and Japan in Busan, local government officials from Gyeongsangbuk-province, previous CCEAs and sister-cities of Gyeongju City, and Gyeongju citizens attended the event. The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat(TCS) was also invited to join the welcome reception and the closing ceremony.
At the closing ceremony held under the theme of "Harmony and New Beginning," Gyeongju Mayor Joo Nak-young through his closing address looked back on the achievements of 4 CCEAs over the past one year and called for a leap forward for the future. The remarks and performances by the CCEAs of China(Wenzhou and Jinan City) and Japan (Oita Prefecture) were delivered through videos. Gyeongju also staged a performance that combines traditional performances and cutting-edge ICT technologies, wrapping up the journey that the cities of the three coutries have been on together over the past year and promising continuous harmony.
Since 2014, China, Japan, and the ROK have each designated one city as CCEA and have engaged in trilateral cultural exchanges every year following the agreement made at the 4th Trilateral Culture Ministers' Meeting (TCMM) in 2012. In 2022, Gyeongju of the ROK, Wenzhou and Jinan of China and Oita Prefecture of Japan were designated as CCEAs.
Next year, Chengdu and Meizhou City (China), Shizuoka Prefecture (Japan) and Jeonju City (ROK) will promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges in collaboration as CCEA 2023.

▲ CCEA 2022 Gyeongju Closing Ceremony

▲ Performance by Korea

▲ Performance by China

▲ Performance by Japan

▲ Congratulatory Performance