Others TCS Board Members Visited Chosun Ilbo
On January 13, 2022, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian and Deputy Secretary-General BEK Bum-hym met with Mr. JU Yong-joong, Chief Editor of the Chosun Ilbo in the latter’s office.
Secretary-General OU highlighted the TCS’s efforts in fostering the solid and future-oriented basis for the Trilateral Cooperation amid of the current states of bilateral relations among China, Japan and Korea, and introduced the 6th Board’s work plan to put in-depth emphasis on youth exchanges. She also mentioned her anticipation for the improvement of the Trilateral Cooperation and China-Japan-Korea FTA (Free Trade Agreement) that would be driven by more enhanced economic cooperation via Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). SG OU shared the TCS’s readiness to continuously work closely with Chosun Ilbo as the official media partner of International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation (IFTC) and to together improve the publics’ mutual perceptions to one another among the three countries. Deputy Secretary-General BEK gave additional briefs on the TCS’s ongoing activities on youth exchanges including <The 1st Trilateral Speech Contest>, <2021 Young Ambassador Program>, <CJK Virtual marathon> as well as on other planned projects.

▲(From left) Amb. BEK Bum-hym, Deputy Secretary-General, TCS Amb. OU Boqian, Secretary-General, TCS Mr. JU Yong-joong, Chief Editor, Chosun Ilbo