Others Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian Met with WeGO Secretary-General PARK Jung-Sook
On November 12, 2021, TCS Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian met with Ms. PARK Jung-Sook, Secretary-General of the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO).
SG OU appreciated WeGO for the co-organization of “Online Seminar on CJK Smart Cities” in 2020. She shared her views on smart city development in the context of emerging technologies and big data, and expected a series of smart city events to be organized in future. It will open up doors for multi-stakeholders from CJK regions to share successful smart city best practices with one another and with other partners abroad including ASEAN. The CJK smart cities initiatives will serve to improve the sustainability of the cities and well-being of citizens, hence in view of this, SG OU is looking forward to the future cooperation with the WeGO in the area of smart city.
SG PARK expressed her appreciation for TCS’ continued partnership in CJK smart cities initiatives. She commented that China, Japan and ROK own abundant resources and experience in smart city development, thus it is meaningful to promote smart city cooperation of CJK regionals in joint efforts with TCS. On the same note, WeGO showed interest in raising awareness of the CJK youth in smart city development, and will explore ways to provide opportunities for the younger generations in partnership with TCS.
Both sides agreed to strengthen the organizational ties and explore future collaboration opportunities.

▲ (From the left to right) TCS SG Amb. OU Boqian and WeGO SG PARK Jung-Sook