Seminar & Forum Young Scholars/Researchers Exchange on Trilateral Cooperation
The TCS organized its first ‘Young Scholars/Researchers Exchange on Trilateral Cooperation’ in Seoul, ROK, on 7-10 August. The Program aimed at creating a platform for academic exchange/network among young professionals, inviting their new perspectives toward pressing issues in the region, and attracting their interest in trilateral cooperation. The program brought together 8 young professionals including Ph.D candidates and postdoctoral fellows from the three countries who had been selected based on the research papers submitted to the TCS.
The Program consisted of half-day seminar, study visit and participation in the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Regional Cooperation organized by the TCS. During the seminar, the participants presented their studies on various topics in such areas as trade, energy, environment, media, human rights law and social issues, which was followed by exchange of comments and feedback. On the following day, the participants had an informal group meeting with Prof. Leif Eric-Easley, Research Fellow at Asan Institute for Policy Studies, and visited Green Growth Institute (GGGI) to meet with Director and Deputy Head of Division.
This year’s program was designed as pilot initiative to promote the active exchanges among young leaders of the three countries, while encouraging them to see trilateral cooperation in a more positive light and as a potential subject for their studies. Based on the comments and feedback received from the participants, the TCS will continue to discuss ways to improve the program and develop it into a more useful venue for both the TCS and participating scholars.


▲Group Photo

▲Study Visit to Asan Institute – Seminar with Prof. Leif Eric Easley