The Trilateral Journalist Exchange Program (TJEP) was initiated by TCS in 2014 with an aim to enhance CJK journalists’ understandings on the three neighboring countries, so as to foster an amicable atmosphere for Trilateral Cooperation and trilateral relations. It operates in various forms like workshop, symposium, field visit and joint interview around the three countries. To date, TCS organized seven rounds of TJEP until 2022 and an ad hoc online symposium in 2021.
Under the theme of “25th Anniversary of Trilateral Cooperation: the Role of Media for Enhancing Mutual Perception”, the TJEP 2024 encouraged the participants to explore practical benefits for trilateral cooperation, in addition to recognize what role the media should play for strengthening trilateral cooperation, especially for improving the mutual perception among the three countries based on sincere and friendly understandings on the people of the three countries.
The TJEP 2024 adopted the workshop format, by which more importance was given to lectures and view exchanges. The participants were kindly asked to acquire practical knowledge and perspectives on trilateral cooperation, which immediately be applicable in their daily practice of each environment so that they could provide more accurate and impartial information and prospects with the people of the three countries.

The Trilateral Journalist Exchange Program (TJEP) was initiated by TCS in 2014 with an aim to enhance CJK journalists’ understandings on the three neighboring countries, so as to foster an amicable atmosphere for Trilateral Cooperation and trilateral relations. It operates in various forms like workshop, symposium, field visit and joint interview around the three countries. To date, TCS organized seven rounds of TJEP until 2022 and an ad hoc online symposium in 2021.
Under the theme of “25th Anniversary of Trilateral Cooperation: the Role of Media for Enhancing Mutual Perception”, the TJEP 2024 encouraged the participants to explore practical benefits for trilateral cooperation, in addition to recognize what role the media should play for strengthening trilateral cooperation, especially for improving the mutual perception among the three countries based on sincere and friendly understandings on the people of the three countries.
The TJEP 2024 adopted the workshop format, by which more importance was given to lectures and view exchanges. The participants were kindly asked to acquire practical knowledge and perspectives on trilateral cooperation, which immediately be applicable in their daily practice of each environment so that they could provide more accurate and impartial information and prospects with the people of the three countries.